Today I went to see ‘12 Years A Slave’. Not only did it move me to tears but it also made me ponder various things. I have so many thoughts and feelings that I want to share but I don’t really know where to start. And by the way, I’m not going to give away any spoilers in this post so don’t worry and continue reading if you haven’t seen the movie yet.
We should not forget that almost every nation and every country once had some form of slavery. Somehow the privileged few always had the tools to create the kind of society where they could exploit people. No matter what continent or part of the world, the government always collapsed into the despicable state where the unimaginable was accepted, legalized and even encouraged.
Take Russia as an example. The country existed under different forms slavery for several centuries. And I believe the ramifications and repercussions of it can still be felt today. The slavery in the United States gets much more attention and is widely depicted in all forms of media. But believe me, every country bears the same stigma. The only thing that makes slavery in the U.S. especially abhorrent and inhumane is that it was based on racism. I think the worst happens when race gets mixed in. Think Nazis and other stuff like this. Good God, I can’t believe that only a few decades ago the world was so screwed up. We like to call ourselves civilized, boasting about our scientific and technological achievements and wallowing in the belief that we are the enlightened beings yet this same civilization commits horrid crimes which are directed toward its own people.
But anyway I don’t want to stray off the course and digress from what I really wanted to say. As I said the history of almost any country was stained with the sinful and repugnant act of enslaving people. So my point is that this concept was so deeply ingrained into the very fabric of our society that it almost became part of the culture, the culture of the mankind as a whole, the shameful legacy of the past. But such scars don’t go away that easily, it takes time to heal. The laws have changed, the mores have changed but it takes much longer for the mentality to change, for our minds to be set free.
I think a lot of bad things that happen in the world were initiated because of this heritage. The wars, the hate and other atrocities. So the only way for us to stop it is to change ourselves. It is hard work but it’s the only way to salvation. So we have to learn how to really be free in the deepest sense of the word. I hope this post will make you think about it and probably go see the movie to get inspired.
[Originally posted on Facebook on December 29, 2013]