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Black Lives Matter: The Role of International Allies

I often think about what it means to be a truly good ally. As we seek justice and advocate for those groups that find themselves on th...

Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Women's Day

Speaking from a man’s point of view I just want to say – ladies you are the beauty of this world and you serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration, you fill men’s hearts with love and souls with gratitude and elation. You are mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, girlfriends and friends – whoever you are and whatever roles you play in our lives, you are the ones that we most care about and you mean so much to us. May your lives be full of happiness, success and much deserved love! Thank you ladies!

[Originally posted on Facebook on March 8, 2014]

Miss Ghana Russia 2014

I have to say I really enjoyed the Miss Ghana Russia 2014 pageant. I would like to thank the ladies who came to participate from all over Russia. Thanks for sharing your beauty and your talents. You did a great job representing your country and gave a valuable insight into the Ghanaian culture. I wish you every success, may your lives be blessed with happiness and prosperity!

In a fit of what I call “jerky thumb syndrome” I snapped way too many pictures at the event. But anyway, it’s all great memories, and I hope that this event will be held on a regular yearly basis. We’re waiting for all the beautiful and talented Ghanaian ladies to come back!

Jamaica Week

I had such a great time at the Jamaica Week hosted by the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to those who organized the event and invited us over. Now how can I describe Jamaica in one sentence? Let me try: rich culture, amazingly talented people, great music and... the hottest girls eva! And I'm sure it has a lot more to offer! Now I gotta start saving money cuz I really wanna go there!

I liked pretty much all of the performances but there were two that really made my day.

Firstly, it's The Namibian Choir, oh my God, they were so amazing, guys thank you so much for such a great performance!

And secondly, it’s the lady who delivered a beautiful a cappella rendition of ‘Three Little Birds’, God can she sing!

It was marvelous! Great job guys!