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Black Lives Matter: The Role of International Allies

I often think about what it means to be a truly good ally. As we seek justice and advocate for those groups that find themselves on th...

Friday, May 13, 2016

Ode to Self

Over 300 hours of writing
More than 100 long ass articles read
A whopping 100+ hours of computations
And some 1300 lines of code under my belt (well ok, this one isn’t really impressive)

Ladies, gentlemen and people of other genders, I have completed my thesis!

And just to give you an idea of how proud and happy I am about this I wrote this little mildly immodest poem.


Life just threw in another twist,
I am a big ass narcissist.

Right when I wake up every morning
I have this strange deep-rooted yearning,
I put my best on nice and slow
And to the mirror off I go.

Dayum I’m so smart and fine as hell,
I go all Training Day Denzel,
‘I am the shit, I run this mothafucka,’
And then I smile and growl just like Chewbacca.

This is the greatest love of all,
Embracing it is my new goal,
I’m my own boo, I’m my own bae,
I love myself like Kanye loves Kanye.