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Monday, April 7, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Went to see 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' yesterday. I have to say it was a lot more than I expected. Marvel is doing a great job and I really enjoyed the movie. Cap never fails to evoke patriotic feelings, convey a powerful message and serve as the source of inspiration.

But I also have two observations I want to share.

1. As I get older I’m beginning to understand and see how these superhero flicks are just laden with politics. Take Iron Man for example. He successively defeated Afghan terrorists in the first movie and a Russian villain in the second movie. Makes sense, doesn’t it? As for the new Captain America movie I really appreciate the fact that they brought up the subject of surveillance vs security and the way they did it. Very timely, and well everybody does that these days but I think they did a good job in getting the message across in this movie. Kudos!

2. As an economist I can’t help but notice and highlight a very smart step they took at Marvel. The Marvel Universe both in the original comic strips and in the new movies is such a great idea! However great an individual product is it will only be a fad because of our consumer mindsets. Unless you make it a part of something bigger. Apple developed a great ecosystem where each one of their devices is a gate to the world of super convenient services. That’s one of the reasons why everybody loves Apple. Marvel did this same thing with movies. You want to watch them because they are so connected and intertwined and each one of them reveals another facet of the Marvel Universe. So that’s a great thing to do!

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